The next week or so, I'm going to be limited in the amount of time I will have for some programming. I will hopefully still get some programming in but I will be limited in how much time and frequency I will have for it. Because of that, and the fact that I'm a little impatient, I've decided to share some information on my current project.
The project is Dart Koans. It is inspired, though not based on, a ruby project of a similar name: Ruby Koans. I completed the Ruby Koans when I was first learning Ruby, having come from other similar languages like Python as well as from JavaScript. The Koans helped a lot because I learn really well from hands-on coding. Additionally, while covering the basics, it does dive right in.
I felt that a similar approach to learning Dart would be a great contribution to the community. There are many programmers coming in from other languages who are comfortable with the basic concepts and don't need some of the background or theory involved with traditional tutorials. They're familiar with what a variable is, and just want to know how they're used in Dart. They're itching to write some code in Dart to see how it feels.
The Dart Koans are for people new to Dart, and comfortable on the CLI (currently it's not recommended to run from the Dart editor, as it's blocked by a couple of bugs.
1) Issue 4654 (Dart Editor should handle ANSI color output).
2) Issue 2789 (Provide a way to find out if stdout is connected to a terminal).
The idea behind Dart Koans is that you achieve enlightenment through failure. You start with many failing tests. And individually correct each test and re-run the program. With each run of the application you should get closer and closer to resolving all tests. Each test introduces a new concept of the Dart language or libraries. At the moment it is still very very early and only a small portion of the total tests are completed. Currently there are 55 tests. By the time this is completed I expect well over 300 or more. As each test fails it will provide the error, line and file to look at to correct the issue. Each test (using the unittest library) is accompanied by several comments which will provide information about the concept being introduced.
Due to the early development stage, the tutorial is currently very much in the preview stage and far from its completed form. However I intend to add more tests and areas as much as I can. I'm interested in any feedback or comments or concerns but please keep in mind things are very much subject to change. Current output is primarily for demonstration purposes and is most likely not the final result.
Because I will be updating very frequently I will not be making many blog posts about the projecct unless its regarding a significant milestone or involves any major changes to the project.