Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Servering Sockets... The Appetizer

So I decided it was time to start playing around with some Sockets. As we already know, I'm not a huge fan of the chat sample that's available, as I find it a little too much. Fortunately the Sockets and ServerSockets are not too different from the Process API, so keeping that in mind I wrote a dead simple echo server. This does not adhere to any protocols or anything of that nature. It just accepts input from a client and sends it back to the client. Truth be told, I should be a little ashamed of the following code as its far from complete, far from safe, and far from extendable. But it was a good starting point and I'll be able to now take it and re-factor it convert it into something usable. The goal was simple, to write a simple server and have evidence that communication was bi-directional.

So first I'll provide the code and then a little discussion about it.


void main() {
  // Create a server and bind it to an address and port number.
  ServerSocket listenServer = new ServerSocket("", 5700, 0);
  // This is called when a connection is received.
  listenServer.connectionHandler = handleConn;

// Socket conn is the incoming connection.
void handleConn(Socket conn) {
  // Wrap the input from the connection around a StringInputStream to make reading it easier.
  StringInputStream clientIn = new StringInputStream(conn.inputStream);
  // Get the output stream too so we can write back to the client.
  OutputStream clientOut = conn.outputStream;
  // Line handler is called when a new line is received to the StringInputStream
  // which we've wrapped around the InputStream from the socket.
  clientIn.lineHandler = () {
    String input = clientIn.readLine();
    print("Received: $input");
    String output = "${input.toUpperCase()}\n"; 
    print("Sent: $output");

So as you can see above the code is very short and simple. I recommend running this in the IDE as currently the process will run forever. Later on I may add a command to shutdown the server from the client. To test out the above code start the server with the DartVM then open a telnet session. Telnet to 'localhost:5700' Then simply type a line of text and hit enter. You should get the same line of text sent back to you but uppercase.

Basically we create the server, and then just handle any incoming connections with it. The connectionHandler is called when a new connection is established to the server, and the function is passed the Socket to the incoming connection.
From that socket we get the InputStream and OutputStreams. For the InputStream we wrap it in a StringInputStream which simplifies reading strings from the connection, and since we're not really worried about receiving any bulk or binary data as such.

Next, thanks to the StringInputStream, we setup a lineHandler which is called when a new line of text is received by the stream. Then we use readLine to store that line in a variable.

We print what we've received to the console, then create a new string which is uppercase version of the line we just received, and add a new line character to the end of it. We want to add the newLine character because when we use the readLine method, it strips the new line character for us automatically. In this case I wanted to return an uppercase string of the original just for visual confirmation that what is being returned is different in some way from the original so it can't be blamed as a local echo by the telnet client or anything like that.

Next we write the output back to the output stream. Because the OutputStream is not wrapped by a String stream we need to convert our string into a list of character codes which are then in turn sent back through the SocketOutputStream. We also write to the console what we sent.

Finally we close the socket. In a later example we may leave this open until we send a specific comment to terminate the client connection, or specifically have the client close the connection instead.

As I mentioned, this example is pretty much as simple as you can get. It also is missing any error handling, any protocol conformation, but it gave me a comfortable start/introduction to sockets in general. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the code by all means I eagerly look for feedback or suggestions.

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